We have children’s Sunday School during the second half of the service, and adult education ( after coffee hour (typically 11:45 am to 1:00 pm). Child care is provided during Bible study is held twice a month on Wednesday evenings.
Children’s Sunday School
Tabernacle Sunday School is a small group of young people who explore how God is working in our lives. We begin with a time of sharing, proceed into a story from the Bible with a related activity, and end with prayer.
Bible Study
Bible Study is held twice a month on Wednesday evenings. Please see the Bible Study article in the current newsletter or our Calendar Page for dates and times. is our adult education program. The Tabernacle community is a small and talented bunch. We value our calling as a people of faith to wrestle with the meaning of the Gospel in the complexity of today’s world. We are not afraid to ask the big questions and continue to grow in our understanding. But we also celebrate that we are all both learners and teachers. We offer an education series drawing on the expertise among us. Come grow with us!
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