More updates about our community life at Tabernacle

Hi Friends,

Here are the newest updates:

1. We are cancelling in-person worship for March 22 and March 29th. I never thought I’d be saying this but: Please do not physically come to the church building! Instead we will worship online together in spirit via Facebook live. If you need help setting up a facebook account or had trouble connecting in this way this past Sunday, let Chelle know and she can help you ( 

2. We will continue Wednesday evening Bible Study/Prayer via Zoom. So join us if you are able for our next meeting which is March 25th, 5:30pm – 7pm. We will have time to check in with each other, read and reflect on Scripture and pray. We will send a link for you to join the meeting. Please feel free to contact Chelle ( if you need any help with the zoom setup process. 

3. We are cancelling the Community Meal for this Saturday, March 21. It’s with a heavy heart that we do this. We just could not figure out a way to do this in a loving way –i.e. without the high risk of close proximity to people and food. Hopefully we can do a meal in April. But we will just have to wait and see. 

4. We are cancelling the Sanctuary Fundraiser dinner for March 27th. We will be in touch about other ways we can support the Thompson family in this time.

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