Fall Outreach Gratitude

Thank you to everyone who spent time and helped to reach out to our neighbors this fall. On September 16th at the UHURU Flea MarketSpirit-led conversations continued Saturday, October 7th at the Philadelphia Family Pride Conference. Like last year we had a table at the conference, but this year we led a conference session.

Pastor Katie and I,  along with Todd, we were greeting neighbors in Clark Park and inviting them to the Joy & Justice Block Party. We were also offering “fearfully and wonderfully made” stickers and tattoos. Many people were excited to get a tattoo and pleased to be invited to the party. We had many lovely conversations with folks who are looking for a church home.Rose, Heather, Lee and Raquel, led a conversation about “Spiritual Spaces for LGBTQIA Families.” This was a beautiful time of sharing both the pain and longing for spiritual community. Our hour-long session could have lasted three times as long. There is a need and interest in continued conversations with this group. We look forward to more ways to partner with them and provide time and space for support and community in the future. Perhaps, even an Advent family activity!

The final outreach event was Sunday, October 8th, when we had a table at Outfest in the Gayborhood.

I found myself overwhelmed by how many folks stopped by and really wanted to know about Tabernacle. How many people came saying that they were looking for a church. A place where they can worship, be loved and accepted. We also had a number of people tell us about their churches where they worship and are fully included in the life of their spiritual community. What a beautiful time of celebrating God’s great love for everyone. The What Jesus had to Say about Homosexuality (with nothing inside) pamphlet was a big hit. I would like to add some of Jesus’ “greatest hits” on the back. Finally,  Our “fearfully and wonderfully made” tattoos and stickers (designed by Jim Gerhard)


were a hit and even brought tears to the eyes of some–being told that you were made just as you are on purpose and loved by God since before you were born is powerful–not something we do not hear every day. Something we need to say and hear more often.

Thank you once again to everyone who made our presence at these events possible. In the spring we will be out in Clark Park once again and at Pride in June. At which other events would you like to see Tab have a presence? What message do you think folks need to hear? Any ideas for creative ways to engage people we meet with Tab onTwitter, Facebook, and Instagram? Please let me know.

~Lucinda Megill Legendre

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